We have some super exciting news for you!
It’s time to FREE THE EGGS!
What are you doing on Saturday July 4th? Keen to collect your yummy chocolate Easter Eggs via drive through?
The short version…
The Giant Easter Egg Hunt had to be cancelled at Easter time. We refunded your tickets.
We tried to still give out the eggs for free…. Then that drive through event had to be cancelled.
We have carefully stored your eggs for such a time as this! It’s time now to FREE the EGGS!
You will still need your ticket to claim your eggs. Lost it? Don’t worry, we are re-sending your ticket via an email from Trybooking later today.
The longer version with detail you need to know:
As you know, due to health and safety reasons, we needed to postpone our event. However, we have carefully stored the eggs so they would still be available to you when restrictions eased.
On July 4th 2020 we are going to try again and host a drive through Egg Hunt. Certain restrictions are rightfully still in place that prevent us from hosting a proper Egg Hunt with rides etc. But hey, at least we can get your eggs to you!
When: Saturday July 4th, 2020
Where: Life Ministry Church, 15-49 Old Melbourne Road, Chirnside Park
Cost: FREE! (Free to those with a pre-purchased, valid, scannable ticket to the original event)
Bring your ticket on the day, Saturday 4th July 2020 at your normal session time, as listed on your ticket. We will have a drive through system in operation! You will not need to get out of your car. Simply hold your ticket (or digital device with ticket showing) out the window, we’ll scan it and we’ll provide all valid ticket holders with a free bag of Easter eggs to share! (If you have tickets for your family for multiple times, come at the time of your eldest child’s session time please.)
In the preparation and storage of the eggs and in their distribution, we have and will do everything that is possible to make sure this is done as hygienically as possible. Of course, if you have any reservations, please feel free not to attend. Cannot make it on the day? We are sorry but this is a one off, we hope you can attend next year’s event. We will seek to make good use of any leftovers at the end of the day by blessing other community members.
Our prayers and thoughts continue to be with you all. We pray God’s richest blessings on you and your family. We continue to pray for good health, for steady employment, for calm and rational thinking and that love would continue to defeat fear. Let’s look out for one another, be good neighbours and bind together like never before in unity and in hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless,
Matt Daly (Event Coordinator)
& the Life Ministry Church Community