Next event: Easter Saturday, 19th April 2025

What to expect:

Children can be booked into an age appropriate time slot (so the little ones don’t get bowled over by the older more energetic ones) or if you have multiple children from different age groups that you would like to be able to participate together, three open sessions exist for your convenience.  Please note there is a limit of 1 Giant Easter Egg Hunt ticket per child.

Parents of children in Year 4 or below are encouraged to join in and help (but child and adult must both hold onto the one supplied bucket to ensure it is fair for everyone!) Children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Your children are your responsibility, please ensure they are well looked after and are in your care at all times. Parents and family members accompanying participants as spectators of the Giant Easter Egg Hunt are not required to pay to come and watch.

Session Times: 

9.30amOpen 1Children aged Pre-School to Year 6
10.00amPre-SchoolChildren who are walking and not yet at Primary School
10.30amOpen 2Children aged Pre-School to Year 6
11.00amPrep – Year 2Children currently in Prep, Year 1 or Year 2
11.30amAge 1 – Year 1Children who are walking (1YO) to Year 1
12.00pmOpen 3Children aged Pre-School to Year 6